Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Scientific Facts That Only Few People Knew - Now Includes You !!!


Ferrari Engineers tinkered with the air intake harmonics. This led to a perfect musically sounding machine.


They are known as the Albino Redwood Trees. The Albino fuse their roots with the roots of normal redwood trees to survive.


It is remarkable that astronomers knew Neptune was already there. It was a simple case orbital calculations.


Astronaut Neil Armstrong was late in filing his application for NASA. He would not have made it without a friend of his putting the application on top of the pile


We have snow capped mountains on Earth. Venus has metal capped mountains instead.


During a 1990s power blackout , South California residents were so terrified by this sight that they called 911. It was their first time to see the Milky Way Galaxy


If our Sun is only as small as a white blood cell then the Milky Way Galaxy will be roughly equal to size of a continental U.S. This is how vast the Universe is.


It's a mystery that when a variety of bamboo flowers - it does so at the same time all over the world. It also signals the start of famine.


The Stock Market is in a sensitive position right now. They even requested Stephen Hawking not to mention the Universe's possible re-collapse within a few billion years because it might upset the stock market.


Understanding Brainwaves and Expanding our Consciousness

The human brain is a complex entity constantly at work, sending electrical signals, communicating, building new neural connections and so on. This electrical activity generated by the brain, also known as brainwaves, reflect our state of mind. Reality is not based on outside influences but is an internal process based on our thoughts, perception and emotions. If we deepen our understanding of these brainwave frequencies, we can control our reality.

There are five different kinds of brainwaves – Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma

It is completely a natural biological occurrence in every human being to experience these different states at various times in a day, and generally one state is dominant.

Did you know that each brainwave has its own set of characteristics representing a unique state of consciousness? Each brainwave state occur in a specific frequency range measured in cycles per second (Hz).

Each type of brainwave played a critical role in our mental development during our childhood. And today, they play an important role in maintaining our health and vitality as adults. Lets take a look at the different brain wave states and the associated benefits and experiences -

Beta (12 to 30 Hz)

Beta are the brainwaves of our normal waking consciousness. It is associated with a heightened state of alertness, logical thinking, problem-solving ability, concentration, when the mind is actively engaged in mental activities. Like a person in active conversation, playing sports or making a presentation would be in a Beta state. But higher Beta levels also result into stress, anxiety and restlessness.

Most people spend their waking lives in a beta state, no wonder many people experience high stress levels in today’s world. At the same time Beta is required for effective functioning in daily life.

Brainwave frequency chart showing the different frequencies and its state of mind

Alpha – (8 to 12 Hz)

Alpha brainwaves are slower in frequency as compared to Beta, which translates to a highly relaxed state of awareness. It is a normal brainwave pattern in people who are naturally relaxed and creative. Like you are daydreaming, or even when one close their eyes and meditate, this frequency enhances your imagination, memory, concentration, creativity, reduces stress so you can focus on learning and performance.

Meditation results in increase in alpha waves, therefore many meditation and energy healing techniques utilize an alpha brain wave for relaxation and healing. Even the use of Cannabis has been linked to an increase in alpha waves in the brain. Children tend to have much higher levels of alpha brainwaves than adults.

Alpha brainwaves are considered the healthiest brainwave range and 10 Hz has widely been accepted as the “safest” brainwave frequency to train.

Click Here to Listen to the Alpha Brainwave Music.

Theta – (4 to 7 Hz)

Theta brainwave occur during deep relaxation and meditation, light sleep or lucid dreaming including the REM dream state. It is the realm of your subconsciousness, where the mind is capable of profound insight, advanced intuition, healing, and oneness – in Theta state our minds can connect to the universe and manifest life-enhacing changes.

You can also experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration and profound creativity. The lower the brain frequency the faster the learning. Meditation or yoga is credited as being so relaxing because they induce the mind in a trance like state where it starts generating theta waves. People tend to have paranormal, psychic experiences when their brain is full of theta brainwaves.

Most children and teenagers have dominant theta brainwave patterns.

Click here to Listen to some Theta Meditation music.

Delta – (0.5 to 4 Hz)

Delta waves are the slowest in frequency but are the highest in amplitude. Observed in deep, dreamless sleep, this frequency is the gateway to the universal mind and the collective unconscious, where information received is otherwise unavailable at the conscious level.

Delta brainwave states have long been associated with healing, because deep sleep is necessary for regeneration and for your body’s self-healing mechanisms! Delta waves in meditation are said to help experienced practitioners access the unconscious mind. It is a dominant brainwave of infants (birth to 24 months) and even adults in deep sleep.

Gamma (25 to 100 Hz)

The Gamma brainwave is the fastest frequency at which the brain functions, where an individual can experience bursts of insight or high-level information processing. Experiments on Tibetan Buddhist monks have shown a correlation between transcendental mental states and gamma waves. When the monks were asked to generate feelings of compassion, their brain activity went into gamma frequency in a rhythmic, coherent manner. It is the state of being ‘in the Zone,’ the feeling that you can do anything.

Altering Brainwave states

All of us experience these brainwave frequencies at different times every day, which take us to different levels of consciousness. Like when you are awake you are in a different brainwave state as compared to when you are sleeping. You can alter your brainwave pattern in order to reach a desired level of consciousness. For example if you can’t get sleep at night when you feel stressed, you can synchronize your brainwave into the frequency that corresponds to sleep using sound.

This technique of synchronizing your brainwave frequencies to an external audio stimuli is known as Brainwave Entrainment. As this process is continued for sometime, the brainwave is tuned to the frequency of external sound and thus achieve the particular frequency level of that sound (alpha, theta or delta).

But you don’t need external stimulus if you can meditate. During meditation you reach a calm and relaxed state, this is the alpha state of consciousness. As the meditation deepens you find yourself being more calm and focused and the brainwave level reaches to theta (and finally to delta) state.

Ways of Brainwave Entrainment

Binaural Beats

How can a sound with frequency lower than 20 Hz range be audible to the human ear? The answer lies in a specialized sound known as Binaural beats. What it did was simple – playing two different frequencies in each ear, the brain detects the difference between the two frequencies and tunes into the third ‘binaural beat.’

So if you play 400Hz into the right ear, and 410Hz into your left ear (using stereo headphones) your brain produces a third binaural beat pulsing at 10 Hz, which is the difference between the two tones. 10 Hz is also equal to the alpha frequency, which brings about light relaxation, meditation, and creative thinking.
Binaural Beats shall provide you some excellent results often instantly which will help you in many ways. Binaural Beats (Use headphones while listening)

Click here to Listen to some Binaural Beats music.

Theta is associated with extreme relaxation, sleep or drowsiness. Generally, one feels a sense of peace and calm when the brain kicks into theta gear.

Isochronic tones

sochronic tones are switched on and off via predictable patterns, creating a pulse effect that is extremely effective when used for therapeutic reasons

Isochronic are even more intense than binaural beats and considered more effective. An isochronic tone is a single tone that turns on and off in a particular pattern. Each of the tones are distinct and are evenly spaced to be able to create a lasting impression on the brain.

Click here to Listen to 1hr Theta Binaural Beat Session (7hz) ~ Pure

Basically our brains have to do much less work to get the same effects as binaural beats – which allows us to feel more relaxed, get in a more powerful and peaceful meditative state and visualize better. It is recommended to use headphones. Many people who do not respond well to binaural beats often respond very well to isochronic tones.

However, for a permanent life-changing spiritual focus, you need to use traditional meditation methods as your primary tools to access higher dimensions. As you know meditation can also make structural changes to the brain in powerful and positive ways and even the people around you!

Sources: Brain wave Frequencies

Cloged arteries can Lead to Stroke - Foods That Could Help Unclog Your Arteries

Cardiovascular Disease (the buildup of plaque and gradual clogging of the arteries) is statistically the number one killer in the world, with on average 2,200 Americans dying of cardiovascular disease each day! With mortality rates like that, cardiovascular health is one of the most important body systems to maintain and repair. While progressive clogging of the arteries can be caused by diet, genetics and a sedentary lifestyle, preventing and repairing the damage is not impossible with these artery unclogging (and delicious!) foods.

1. Garlic

While maybe not quite as sexy as others, garlic is hands-down a super food! In addition to helping maintain a healthy heart, garlic can help treat a slew of viruses, infections and even cancers! Studies show that consuming 4,000 mcg of the compound allicin (found in 1-4 cloves of garlic a day) can lower cholesterol, as well as significantly decrease both diastolic and systolic blood pressure, and prevent blood clots from forming. Load up on your daily dose of cloves with thisCreamy Zinger Garlic Spread or Pumpkin Seed and Garlic Pasta.

2. Pomegranate

This tasty and beautiful fruit has recently been discovered to clear out plaque buildup in the arteries, as well as naturally stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the blood, opening the arteries and reducing blood pressure. It wont be hard to add more pomegranates to your diet with this stunning Cashew Citrus Cream Cake with Pomegranates!

3. Turmeric

The the primary polyphenol in turmeric, curcumin, has been shown to reduce fatty deposits in the arteries by 26%! That’s a welcome statistic for heart health and a good reason to add more of this brightly colored and delicious Indian spice to your diet.

4. Chia Seeds

Ancient cultures have long prized chia seeds as a solid source of hydration and energy. But the the fiber and alpha-linolenic acid in chia can also regulate blood pressure, lower triglycerides, increase good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol. Besides being heart healthy, chia seeds are versatile and tasty as well!

5. Cinnamon

The cinnamon challenge may have brought negative attention to this common spice, but consumed wisely, cinnamon is anything but bad or dangerous! Just a tablespoon of cinnamon a day can reduce cholesterol levels, as well as providing a healthy dose of antioxidants. Make your heart warm, healthy and happy with scrumptious Vegan Cinnamon Rolls.

6. Apples

The pectin in apples can lower cholesterol as well as slow down the progression of clogging in the arteries. Ohio State University researchers discovered that an apple a day can reduce the hardening of arteries by 40%! It seems the old apple-a-day saying is true after all! Stock up on your daily dose with this recipe for Grilled Apple Pie with Vanilla Coconut Whipped Cream.

7. Tomatoes

Carotenoid lycopene is an antioxidant that is responsible for giving tomatoes their rich red color, but it can be found in lighter or greener varieties of this juicy fruit as well. And a diet rich in lycopene can significantly reduce the oxidation of the bad cholesterol that leads to atherosclerosis. Tomatoes are also important for bone health! Get your lycopene fill with this warming Eggplant and Tomato Stew.

8. Greens

Leafy greens are a rich source of anti oxidizing vitamins, which can prevent the oxidization of cholesterol, leading to plaque formation in the arteries. Additionally, the fiber, potassium, and folate can lower blood pressure. Just one serving per day of folate-rich leafy greens, like spinach or chard, can lower homocysteine levels, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. There is no better (or tastier) way to pack in the greens than with a mouth-watering green smoothie. Check out this awesome Green Smoothie Cheat Sheet to learn how to tailor make one you’ll love!

This content provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Monday, 20 October 2014

What Happens To Your Body When You Snore


If you suffer with snoring you will know it is a very real and aggravating problem. It disturbs crucial sleeping patterns of both the person doing the snoring and his or her partner. This often leads to ongoing fatigue, irritability, loss of memory, depression and a lack of concentration when dealing with everyday life.

But more worryingly, snoring is often a symptom of a potentially serious health problem that is known by doctors and other medical professionals as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a disorder in which breathing is briefly and frequently interrupted throughout the sleeping process. During sleep the upper throat, tongue and jaw muscles relax and cause a complete or partial airway blockage. The subsequent lack of oxygen intake can last for up to thirty seconds and is repeated constantly throughout the night. When oxygen supply reaches critically low levels the brain uses impulses to wake the person so normal conscious breathing can resume.

Depriving the body of a sufficient supply of oxygen can lead to serious long-term health problems. According to the National Sleep Foundation, OSA is a potentially “life-threatening” disorder that effects over 18 million Americans. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons say the “risks of undiagnosed OSA include heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart disease and a decreased libido”. In addition, “OSA causes daytime drowsiness that can result in accidents, lost productivity and relationship problems.”

As the body gets older muscle tissues in the throat and mouth get weaker and begin to lose their tension, which means those over the age of 35 are at higher risk. In a recent study, The Whittier Institute for Diabetes found that diabetics are particularly prone to suffering with sleep apnea, with up to 33% having the condition.

The Solution To Snoring

Until recently the only treatments available for snoring were pretty medieval in nature, as well as very expensive. Sleep apnea is not always covered by health insurance and the cost of diagnosis and subsequent prescribed treatment can run into many thousands of dollars. One of these treatments, a CPAP machine, is a device that forces air down into the lungs through pipes that cover the mouth and nose. Another unattractive alternative is surgery.

Fortunately, there is now an option available that is comfortable, inexpensive and convenient. A recent paper published by various somnologists (sleep doctors) in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine stated that wearing “a simple and inexpensive chinstrap” while asleep can be an effective solution to treating OSA.

One such chinstrap is now available from a company called MySnoringSolution. It works by supporting the lower jaw, which prevents the tongue and throat muscles from blocking airflow during sleep. This reduces tissue vibration, increases oxygen levels and in turn eliminates or decreases snoring.

It is made from high-tech materials that are both light in weight and surprisingly comfortable to wear. Already, thousands of people have relieved their snoring symptoms by using a MySnoringSolution chinstrap. They report feeling rested, with more focus and energy, and an overall feeling of being in better health.

One such user, Karen Sutton, said “I no longer snore, I no longer spend hours trying to get back to sleep during the night and I fall asleep within a couple of minutes of first lying down at night. It’s also surprisingly comfortable!”

How To Get It

At the moment, a “MySnoringSolution” chinstrap is only available online at the company’s website. It is currently being offered on a “2 for 1″ basis, so you can obtain an extra chinstrap for free to give to your partner or to use for yourself while travelling.

If you’re looking to solve your snoring problems and finally get those well deserved nights of peaceful sleep,this product is a low cost solution that is both comfortable to use and very effective.

Click here to learn more about the special offer from MySnoringSolution.


Sunday, 19 October 2014

Dangerous drugs you should think twice before taking

Just because your doctor prescribes it does not necessarily mean it is safe for you to take. Many popular prescription drugs, it turns out, come with the potential for serious side effects, including everything from short-term nausea and headaches to chronic inflammatory myopathy and heart disease — or worse.

But this important information is often shrouded from public view, which intentionally perpetuates the myth that the benefits of FDA-approved drugs far outweigh any risks. So to give you a more solid understanding of the subject, here are six classes of prescription drugs you should definitely think twice about taking due to their inherent dangers:

1) Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Millions of Americans take PPIs to alleviate the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition marked by food and acid in the stomach leaking back into the esophagus and causing damage. But PPIs like Nexium (exomeprazole) and Prevacid (lansoprazole) have been shown to both block nutrient absorption and inhibit the production of necessary stomach acid, which can cause a host of other health problems. (

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued at least a dozen warnings about the dangers of PPIs, which include an increased risk of bacterial diarrhea, magnesium deficiency, and bone fractures ( Long-term consumption of PPIs has also been linked to increased risk of pneumonia and unhealthy weight gain.

2) Statins. The top-selling class of drugs for several years in a row, statins are hailed by the medical system as a type of miracle cure for high cholesterol and heart disease. But popular statin drugs like Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium) and Crestor (rosuvastatin calcium) have been shown to greatly increase users’ risk of diabetes, liver disease, brain damage, muscle atrophy, and even early death. (

The side effects of statins are so severe, in fact, that the FDA recently expanded its official warnings about their use ( Beyond this, more than a dozen studies have shown that taking statins for primary prevention does little, if anything, to prevent heart attack or stroke, which means the drug class is medically useless for the millions of otherwise healthy people who are prescribed it. (

3) Antibiotics. The leading cause of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs,” antibiotics are another class of drugs that can cause long-term health problems without providing much, if any, benefit. Insanely overprescribed for conditions that often do not even respond to them, antibiotics and their long-term abuse by the medical system has made many infections more virulent and untreatable.

According to Shane Ellison, M.S., from The People’s Chemist, the three most dangerous antibiotics currently being prescribed are Levaquin (levofloxacin), Vancocin (vancomycin hydrochloride), and Bactrim (trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole). Ellison also lists quinolones, the most commonly prescribed class of antibiotics, as dangerous as well, noting that antibiotics like Cipro (ciprofloxacin), Avelox (moxifloxacin HCL), and Floxin (ofloxacin) can cause severe and permanent disability. (

4) Antipsychotics. One of the deadliest drug classes, antipsychotics are commonly prescribed for conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe major depression, as well as for many “off-label” conditions such as mild mood disorder and everyday anxiety. But popular antipsychotic drugs like Seroquel (quetiapine fumarate), Abilify (aripiprazole), Risperdal (risperidone), and Zyprexa (olanzapine) have been shown to increase blood sugar levels, elevate lipid and cholesterol levels, and promote weight gain. (

But even more concerning is the long-term neurological and brain damage that can result from taking antipsychotics, not to mention the greatly elevated risk of metabolic syndrome, which can include major health conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes ( Antipsychotics are so dangerous that a study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) declared them to be more deadly than terrorism. (

5) Opioid pain relievers. Pharmaceutical drugs have officially been declared a leading cause of death in America today, and leading the way are opioid-based painkillers like Vicodin (hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen), OxyContin (oxycodone HCI), Percocet (oxycodone and acetaminophen), codeine, and morphine.

According to a study out of Brandeis University in Massachusetts, prescription painkillers are now responsible for causing more fatal overdoses than both heroin and cocaine combined. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has actually declared an epidemic in response to this elevated number of prescription painkiller deaths. (

6) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Antidepressants like Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine), and Lexapro (escitalopram) have been around for years, but their dangers typically receive far less attention than they deserve. Side effects like suicidal tendencies, sexual dysfunction, gastrointestinal bleeding, and heart disease are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many side effects of SSRIs.

In some cases, SSRIs can actually make depression symptoms worse, leading some individuals to become violent. Be sure to watch the Health Ranger’s music video S.S.R.Lies for a creative glimpse at the dangers of SSRIs:

Originally published on Natural News

Most Addictive Prescription Drugs on The Market

Prescription Drug Addictions

Just because pills are prescribed by a doctor and administered by a pharmacy, that doesn’t mean they are safe for everyone. As prescription numbers continue to rise, the chance for prescription drug abuse rises as well.

Learn about the most addictive prescription drugs, including Adderall, Xanax, Codeine, amphetamines, and more. Click next to begin learning about specific drugs that are commonly misused.Types of Commonly Abused Drugs

The most widely abused pharmaceuticals fall into three categories:Opioids: These produce a sought-after euphoric effect due to their pain killing abilities for short-term or chronic pain.Central nervous system depressants: Also called tranquillizers and depressants, these include barbituates and benzodiazepines, some of the most abused drugs. They have a calming, relaxing effect, like a warm blanket on the brain.Stimulants: This class increases brain activity, thereby increasing alertness and 


Xanax (alprazolam) is a benzodiazepine prescribed to treat panic disorder and serious anxiety. It calms a person by depressing his or her abnormal central nervous system. Those without a prescription may abuse the drug for its fast-acting sedating and relaxing effects. The Drug Abuse Warning Network says Xanax is the most abused drug for these reasons.

Klonopin & Valium

Much like Xanax, Klonopin and Valium are often misused for their sedative effects. These “highs” can feel similar to the effects of alcohol, including feelings of drunkenness, talkativeness, and relaxation.

Due to these favorable traits, Klonopin, Valium, and other benzodiazepines can be extremely habit-forming, cause blackouts, and even death by overdose. It is not uncommon for Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium to be taken in conjunction with other drugs. The effects of overusing klonopin and other benzodiazepines should not be taken lightly.


Oxycodone, sold commonly as OxyContin andPercocet, is an opioid that changes the way the brain and central nervous system respond to pain. It creates a euphoric, sedative effect.

Often likened to heroin, Oxycodone is prescribed by doctors about six million times a year. Because these pills can cost hundreds of dollars a pill, addicts often have to steal to afford the habit.
Demerol & Darvocet

Like Oxycodone, Demerol and Darvocet are commonly abused painkillers. The danger in these, besides the immediate side effects, is that users often develop a tolerance to the drugs’ effects and will increase their dosage. Often, this leads to painful and possibly even violent withdrawal symptoms.

In 2010, Darvocet was pulled off the market in the United States because it was found to lead to heart complications in patients.

Codeine (Purple Drank)

Codeine is often combined with other medications to reduce coughing and pain. This opiate is commonly found in prescription-strength cough syrup. When consumed in high quantities, Codeine-based cough syrup has a sedative effect and can cause altered levels of consciousness.

Codeine cough syrup is the base for “purple drank” or “sizzurp,” a concoction made with soda and candy that was popularized in some early 2000s hip-hop music.

Amphetamines (Speed)

Simply known as speed, amphetamines are prescribed for conditions such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy where focus and wakefulness are needed to combat symptoms. However, they have been historically misused for their energizing capabilities.

It’s most commonly misused today under the brand name Adderall by those who need to skip on sleep, such as truck drivers, college students working on deadlines, and shift workers.


Similar to Adderall, Ritalin is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system by increasing levels of dopamine—a hormone that heightens attention—in the brain. As with other stimulants, it can be habit forming.

One reason Ritalin and other ADHD drugs are so commonly abused is their availability. In 2005, doctors prescribed Ritalin and similar drugs more than 29 million times, and that number continues to rise.

Helping Loved Ones With Prescription Drug Addictions

If you suspect someone you love is abusing one of these medications, it’s important to get them help, which may include counseling or rehabilitation. Anti-anxiety drug abuse is the most common type, especially among teens and people under the age of 30.


Studies Prove That These Drugs Make Your Brain Stop Working

Drugs commonly taken for a variety of common medical conditions negatively affect your brain, causing long term cognitive impairment. These drugs, called anticholinergics, block acetylcholine, a nervous system neurotransmitter.

They include such common over-the-counter brands as Benadryl, Dramamine, Excedrin PM, Nytol, Sominex, Tylenol PM, and Unisom.

Other anticholinergic drugs, such as Paxil, Detrol, Demerol and Elavil are available only by prescription.

Physorg reports:

“Researchers … conducted a six-year observational study, evaluating 1,652 Indianapolis area African-Americans over the age of 70 who had normal cognitive function when the study began … ‘[T]aking one anticholinergic significantly increased an individual’s risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and taking two of these drugs doubled this risk.'”

Many view over-the-counter (OTC) drugs as safe because they don’t require a prescription. Well nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, many OTC drugs were previously carefully monitored prescription drugs. Many people are not aware that while I was in college in the 1970s, I worked as a full time pharmacy apprentice and helped sell drugs to patients all day long.

Motrin was the first non-salicylate prescription NSAID. Now it is a popular OTC ibuprofen option. Similarly, anti-ulcer drugs like Tagamet, Zantec, and Prilosec used to be carefully controlled. Now they can all be easily purchased in a smaller “OTC strength” that nearly doubles the number of pills required to equal the prescription dose.

Just because a drug is available without a prescription does not make it any less dangerous. It is still a chemical, which in no way, shape, or form treats the cause of the problem and can lead to complications that can seriously injure, if not kill, you or someone you love.

So this is clearly important information that can help you or someone you love reduce your risk of dementia as you get older. Based on the findings of this study, I would strongly recommend that seniors in particular avoid all anticholinergic drugs, like Benadryl (generic is diphenhydramine) which is a pervasive and commonly used in virtually all of the OTC sleeping pills.Researchers will continue studying the matter to see whether anticholinergic-induced cognitive impairment can be reversed, but don’t hold your breath. Avoidance is really the best solution.What are Anticholinergic Drugs?Anticholinergic drugs block a nervous system neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease typically have a marked shortage of acetylcholine.Anticholinergic drugs are available both over-the-counter and by prescription, as medications used for a variety of symptoms can have this effect. Examples include night-time pain relievers, antihistamines, and other sleep aids, such as:

Excedrin PM

Tylenol PM






Prescription drugs with anticholinergic effects include certain antidepressants, medications to control incontinence, and certain narcotic pain relievers.Examples of prescription meds in these categories include:





A Special Note for Aspartame ‘Reactors’

Many of the drugs listed here, as well as a long list of additional ones, contain diphenhydramine. As an important side note, you need to beware that chewable tablets and rapidly disintegrating tablets that contain diphenhydramine may be sweetened with aspartame.

If you have the genetic disease phenylketonuria (PKU), you must be particularly careful to avoid these types of drugs and all other types of aspartame-sweetened foods and beverages in order to prevent mental retardation.

But many other people also suffer detrimental health effects from aspartame, so you should know that this is yet another potential source of this toxic sweetener.

Anticholinergic Drugs Increases Dementia in the Elderly

I’ve previously written about the health dangers of many of these individual drugs. Paxil, for example, is an addictive antidepressant that is well known to increase the risk of suicide in children and teens. It is also known to increase violent behavior.

Benadryl and Sominex have previously been found to cause hallucinations in the elderly, and a number of the drugs on the list also promote dental decay.

The results of this study indicate that drugs with anticholinergic effects may be yet another piece of the puzzle that might explain the sharp rise in dementia and cognitive decline.

According to the University of Michigan, dementia strikes about 50 percent of people who reach the age of 85. Of those, about 60 percent go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

In this study, the researchers tracked the intake of anticholinergic drugs and monitored the cognitive abilities of 1,652 African-American seniors, aged 70 and older, for six years. All of the participants had normal cognitive function at the outset of the study.

Fifty-three percent of the participants used a ‘possible anticholinergic,’ and 11 percent used a ‘definitive anticholinergic’ drug.

They found that those who took drugs classified as ‘definite anticholinergics’ had a four times higher incidence of cognitive impairment.

In those who were not carriers of the specific gene, APOE ε4 allele, the risk was over seven times higher. (The APOE ε4 gene is known to influence many neurological diseases, and is considered a high risk factor for Alzheimer’s.)

Taking two of these drugs further increased the risk of cognitive impairment.

PhysOrg reports:

“Simply put, we have confirmed that anticholinergics, something as seemingly benign as a medication for inability to get a good night’s sleep or for motion sickness, can cause or worsen cognitive impairment, specifically long-term mild cognitive impairment which involves gradual memory loss.

As a geriatrician I tell my Wishard Healthy Aging Brain Center patients not to take these drugs and I encourage all older adults to talk with their physicians about each and every one of the medications they take,” said Malaz Boustani, M.D., IU School of Medicine associate professor of medicine, Regenstrief Institute investigator and IU Center for Aging Research center scientist.”

Even More Reasons to Ditch the Sleep Meds

In 2008, Americans filled more than 56 million prescriptions for sleeping pills and spent more than $600 million on over-the-counter sleep aids. But anticholinergic sleep medications in particular may be causing far more harm than good, especially long term, without providing any benefit at all.

In a recent article, CBC News reported that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has had data for 15 years which shows that over-the-counter sleep aids like Tylenol PM and Excedrin PM do not offer any significant benefit to patients.

There’s no explanation for why the FDA took 15 years to evaluate the industry’s research, but upon final analysis “the data suggests the combination products are statistically better than a placebo but not by much,” CBC News reported.

I guess it can be chalked up as yet another vibrant example of how industry research frequently amounts to little more than corporate wishes and good PR fodder.

Another analysis of sleeping pill studies from 2007 (financed by the National Institutes of Health) found that sleeping pills like Ambien, Lunesta, and Sonata reduced the average time to go to sleep by just under 13 minutes compared with fake pills — hardly a major improvement.

Yet, the participants believed they had slept longer, by up to one hour, when taking the pills.

This may actually be a sign of a condition called anterograde amnesia, which causes trouble with forming memories. When people wake up after taking sleeping pills, they may, in fact, simply forget that they had been unable to sleep!

You would be far better off putting your money toward authentic solutions to help you sleep than on sleeping pills, as it’s now clear that they do next to nothing to help you sleep – in fact, they may actually make it more difficult for you to get a good night’s rest naturally – and may significantly increase your risk of dementia.

Sleeping Pills are NOT a Safe Solution for Sleepless Nights

Please understand that resorting to sleep medications is risky business, and that these pills do not address the underlying reasons why you’re having trouble sleeping in the first place.

In addition to the long-term problems already discussed, there are other serious, not to mention bizarre, risks involved.

For starters, these pills are notorious for being addictive, which means that once you want to stop taking them, you’ll likely suffer withdrawal symptoms that could be worse than your initial insomnia. Some, such as Ambien, may also become less effective when taken for longer than two weeks, which means you may find yourself needing ever higher dosages.

Ambien may also make you want to eat while you’re asleep — and I don’t mean sneaking down to grab a piece of fruit. The sleep eating can include bizarre foods such as buttered cigarettes, salt sandwiches, and raw bacon.

Sleeping pills, and again Ambien in particular, are also known to increase your risk of getting into a traffic accident. Ambien actually ranks among the top 10 drugs found in the bloodstreams of impaired drivers, according to some state toxicology labs.

Among the elderly, using sleeping pills may increase the risk of nighttime falls and injuries, and anyone who takes them may find they wake up feeling drowsy if the effects of the drug have not worn off yet.

You’re far better of finding safe and natural solutions that will actually address the underlying causes of your sleepless nights instead of just cover up the resulting symptoms.

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep Without Dangerous Drugs

If you are having trouble sleeping, please do not ignore the problem or simply wait for it to go away. Quality sleep just as important as your need for food, water, and pure air — and there are very simple methods to help you get yours.

Please read my comprehensive sleep guide 33 Secret’s to a Good Night’s Sleep for my full set of recommendations, but to start, make certain you are exercising regularly.

A Stanford University Medical School study found that after 16 weeks in a moderate-intensity exercise program, subjects were able to fall asleep about 15 minutes earlier and sleep about 45 minutes longer at night. However, don’t exercise too close to bedtime or it may keep you awake.

Stress is another major reason why people have trouble sleeping, which is why I suggest you start to wind down from your day at least an hour before your bedtime (but preferably two or more).

Calming activities such as journaling, meditating, sipping herbal tea, washing your face, using the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or reading a book may soothe your mind and help you unwind. Be sure your phone, email, and television are all off during this time.

Make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and conducive to sleep.

This includes keeping the temperature cool, adding in some white noise if you need it and making sure your room is pitch-black. If there is even the tiniest bit of light in the room it can disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland’s production of melatonin and serotonin. For this reason, I highly recommend adding room-darkening drapes to your bedroom, or if this is not possible wearing an eye mask to block out any stray light.

Again, by following my 33 Secrets for a Good Night’s Sleep, the majority of people will be able to fall asleep and stay asleep. However, for times when sleep is especially difficult, these eight natural remedies may also help and are far safer than sleeping pills of any kind.
