Sunday, 15 January 2017

The Soul, the Soldier and the Spirit of Survival in 2017.

 Image result for black soul leaving

What is a soul?

soul: - noun

1. The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
2. Emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an       artistic performance. their interpretation lacked soul"


inspiration, feeling, emotion, passion, animation, intensity, fervour,
    ardour, enthusiasm, eagerness, warmth, energy, vitality, vivacity, spirit,
    spiritedness, commitment.

"The Souljaspirit's POV"

Many definitions exist about the soul and various significance of the afterlife is connected to the soul. but 
The Souljaspirit definition will be undoubtedly as follows:
1 - The essence of life;
2 - The Gut Feeling;
3 - The Aura of feeling Protected;
4 - The Connection we feel to the Universe.

Introverts feel an unbelievable amount of connection to their soul energy because to reveal oneself vis a vis our pristine identity in its purest form devoid of lies, falseness or the desire to impress anyone, we realise that it is impossible to do so in the presence of many other souls or people in their physical earth forms.  In other to feel a connection to your Soul or Yourself (which sounds really weird right now) you need to be in silence and travel deep within your head, now do not misquote my reference to travelling in your head as a Visa to cloud your mind with all sorts of clutter and unimaginable negative energy;- my reference will be to think deep with extremely positive energy, for negative thoughts are like poison, and just as the physical self refrains from interacting with negativity, so does the Soul or spiritual non-physical entity that we are, also stays a healthy distance away from our consciousness when bedeviled with negative thoughts.

We dont know our Souls, what we think we know is the physical self that we are and the information that we have from birth until now that we are whatever age that we are, however, the soul is thought to be an eternal entity. the soul never dies, it is true that new souls are formed in the universe before channeled into a physical entity as a baby in this life or a thousand lifetimes ago, but it is important to bare in mind that there are old souls (Re-incarnates) and just as new souls are introduced into the 3-Dimensional physical state of humans, so also are the old Souls introduced as babies. The difference between Old and New souls is the amount of Information gathered over many lifetimes of re-introduction into any physical state, these information is what silence and a journey into your head as mentioned earlier may be revealed to you and can greatful influence your levels of confidence and bolster your interest at humility arising from the fact that you eventually feel extremely satisfied with who you are which in turn drives your need to be humble but not stupid in the society that we live in today..

The Soldier


1. A Soldier by Definition is a a person who serves in an army.


 fighter, serviceman, servicewoman, fighting man, fighting woman, comrade-in-arms, warrior, trooper.


1. serve as a soldier. "soldiering was what the Colonel understood"
2. informal - To carry on doggedly; persevere, "Graham wasn't enjoying this (LIFE), but he soldiered on".


persevere, persist, carry on doggedly, keep on, keep going, not give up, struggle on, hammer away, be persistent, be determined, see/follow something through, keep at it, show determination, press on/ahead, stay with something, not take no for an answer, be tenacious, be pertinacious, stand one's ground, stand fast/firm, hold on, hold out, go the distance, stay the course, plod on, plough on, grind away;

"The Souljaspirit's POV"

In Earnest, all the aforementioned Noun, Verb and Synonyms about a soldier literally says it all, however, I will Soldier on with this Blog Post and search my Soul for something to write from Personal Experience that will hitherto expatiate on the premise of my writing this post and about passing unto you the undiluted information about how we can become Soldiers in our Everyday Life.
Basically, "The Souljaspirit" Blog belongs to an Ex-Military Individual (He Attended Military Highschool for 6 Years - lol at all thos expecting him to be a veteran and probably one eyed or maybe lost a few limbs in battle). Anyways the Military experience played a major role in figuring out a way to deal with life and its challenges on a daily basis.

A Soldier usually has no Options but to follow through on the order received from his superiors which a sort of similar to what life hands to us as individuals in reality. sometimes life is good, other times, we just want to commit suicide or remain under the weather because life is not being favorable to us, however there is never a Retreat or Surrender in the Life of a Soldier, the Goal of a true Soldier is to Rather Die Fighting than be captured by the Enemy.
In Today's World, the Enemy is Life, the Order or Word of Command is SURVIVE, to relentless live in a state of Squirmish is a not the choice of a Soldier. A tru Soldier, Soldiers on in life, when life throws lemonades at a Soldier, he doesnt just make lemonades, he plants lemon trees (Lool), BE A SOLDIER TODAY. Whatever it is that you may be trying to overcome in life can be overcome with the mindset of a soldier if you always remember that there is NO GOING BACK, fight your laziness, fight your disbelief in yourself, fight the enemy that is within you, fight and fight and fight until you overcome yourself and take back yourself from the hands of the people you constantly try to impress, take back your life from society and chart a new route aimed SOUL-ly at your existence and for the expression of the YOU that you are, the you who have just found out to be Lost in the World of other individuals.

The Spirit

Spirit:- noun

1. The non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul. "we seek a harmony between body and spirit".


soul, psyche, inner self, inner being, essential being. 

"The Souljaspirit's POV"

The Soul is the Power house of our Consiousnes while the Spirit is the Entiry of Form in which we exist outside our physiscal 3-Dimensional Bodies. Indeed, the existence of the Spirit is beyond 3 Dimensions or Beyond the Bariers of the Physical Realms that we can see, feel and touch. 5-Dimensional entities such as Space, Energy, Emotions, Intuition and So on, Entities we cannot Touch, See or Smell are the entities the Spiritual Self surpasses and Lords over. the spiritual self is literarily referred to as RAW ENERGY, and there is a spirit that leads everything alive on earth Today.

The Spirit is our RAWEST Form of existence and it holds the secrets to our success, too bad our society today advances in all directions away from discovering our through self.

In conclusion, The Soul, The Soldier and the Spirit is the Perfect combination for Existential Success today life as we know it and even beyond.

Original Article by the Souljaspirit, all rights reserved.
1. Nigerian Army;
2. Google;
3. Superpower Wiki AKA Wikipedia;
4. Omojuwa Blog;

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